Delayed Claims Attorney, Van Nuys

Delayed Claims

You have the right to a prompt resolution of your workers’ compensation claim so that you can start obtaining medical care without concerns about payment. Employers and insurers may grant these delays in good faith, but their motivation is more likely to be protecting their profit line or shielding them against further legal liability. Our knowledgeable, committed, and zealous delayed claims attorneys will make sure that you receive the money you are entitled to and that your coverage begins as soon as possible if your workers’ compensation case has been postponed or refused.

Every victim wonders how long it will take to receive the compensation as the financial burden can add to your pain. Still, every case differs from the other depending upon the severity of the injury and the amount of claim. Delayed claims have a negative impact on your lawsuit, making it difficult for you to receive fair compensation, but our delayed claim lawyers give their best to make things fair for you on an immediate basis as we believe that justice delayed is justice denied. With a distinctive set of challenges, every client of our firm received the maximum compensation with the help of our delayed claim attorney in Van Nuys. 

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    Van Nuys Delayed Claims Lawyers Specializing in Legal Claims Involving An Unnecessary Delay

    Numerous clients call us to seek help after they have suffered from an unnecessary delay in their claims. Our delayed claim lawyers in Van Nuys have great experience with such clients and are skillful enough to speed up your claim process. Some of the skills our lawyers possess are:

    • Fast collection of delayed insurance claims
    • Speeding up the review of the claim
    • Safeguarding the rights of our clients
    • Investigating the lousy faith insurance delays

    Our delayed claims attorneys have handled all such cases in the past, making sure to receive millions of dollars.

    Is Your Insurance Provider Procrastinating? We Can Help Filing And Handling A Claim That Has Been Delayed

    Workers’ compensation claims that are delayed often result from significant circumstances, such as faulty filing procedures or the insurance companies’ belief that prolonging a claim will make the employee give up on it. Others refer to this as a tactic, but we see it as bullying.

    Delayed claims can be a reason for stress among the victims. Insurance companies delay claims for their benefit so that they do not become liable for a lot of damages. Contact our delayed claim lawyers in Van Nuys today to get out of a delayed claim. At our firm, we help you understand your case correctly and examine your position before filing a claim. This can expedite your claim, making the compensation recovery as soon as possible. So, talk to us first.

    Have a question? Ask our team of experts

    In California, the insurance company is bound to respond within 90 days and if the company does not deny your claim within 90 days, it is considered to be accepted.

    The two major reasons behind a denied claim can be incorrect or missing information that creates issues for the applicant.

    The insurance company is given 90 days to respond to your claim, so the chances are that it can be delayed for around 90 days.

    No. The insurance companies are not responsible for the lost wages during the delay.

    Bad faith is when the insurer denies to pay your claim or to defend on unreasonable grounds.

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